Gorky's Granddaughter

Gorky’s Granddaughter is a documentary art project. Christopher Joy and Zach Keeting visit studios and talk to artists.

Jennifer Sirey
by Sabine Russ

From her Brooklyn studio, the sculptor reveals how she collaborates with bacteria to create human-size “living architectures” that challenge traditional notions of beauty.

The Hopper Prize Interview

Jennifer Sirey

Jennifer Sirey on constructing living sculptures, a practice that incorporates immediate, intuitive responses, & manipulations inside the body.

The Lydian Spin Podcast by Lydia Lunch and Tim Dahl

Episode 127: Jennifer Sirey

Jennifer Sirey is a Brooklyn based artist. Her process-driven sculpture engages organic materials and natural phenomena, incorporating glass, liquids, wax, bacteria, algae, and wood in monolithic, architectural forms. For years Jennifer has been refining a process of growing Acetobacter, or Mother of Vinegar as a building material to construct living sculptures.

Pretty On The Inside

TAKE A TRIP down Orchard Street in New York City, and there in what was once a clothing store now the art gallery, On Stellar Rays, you will see a plate glass window with five glass boxes. Within each are substances that appear to be tissue, flesh and blood and other liquids hard to contemplate for their bodily suggestiveness. The glass cubes grow membranes, fleshy organs either pink or a pale unearthly color, as if something of us were expressed in them. The contents seem both alien and physical filled, possibly, with test tube meats, those ones that promise to grow beef or genetically-modified fish.


Sabine Russ, “Jennifer Sirey”, Feature interview, BOMB Magazine, pages 98 - 110, Issue 159/Spring, 2022 https://bombmagazine.org/articles/jennifer-sirey/

The Lydian Spin Podcast, “Episode 127 Jennifer Sirey” interview with Lydia Lunch and Tim Dahl, Dec. 17, 2021

“I Contain Multitudes”, featuring works by: Jules Gimbrone, Tiffany Jaeyeon Shin and Jennifer Sirey

Klausgallery.cloud https://www.klausgallery.cloud/i-contain-multitudes

END Jennifer Sirey, February 4 2021, https://empiricalnonsense.today/end/jennifer-sirey

Shanti Escalante-De Mattei, “I Contain Multitudes at Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery” The Drunken Canal, February, 2021. 

Kabat, Jennifer, “Pretty on The Inside”, The Weeklings, June 2013 https://theweeklings.com/jkabat/2013/07/18/pretty-on-the-inside/

Insonia, Elizabeth, 2013 “Sleeping Immortals”, Huffington Post, May 28, 2011. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/sleeping-immortals_b_2864073

"Gorkys Granddaughter” May 9, 2013: http://www.gorkysgranddaughter.com/2013/03/ 

Rafferty, "Extreme Materials 2", Rochester City Newspaper, Oct 11, 2011. 

Ammirati, Domenick “You” Artforum, critic’s picks, October 16, 2003.

Ken Johnson, “Being There,” The New York Times, July 13, 2001.

Moffatt, Laura, "New York Projects," Art Monthly, N.239, p. 34-5, September, 2000.

Wilsher, Mark, "New York Projects," What’s On , August, 16, 2000.

Henry, Max, “Feature Creatures,” Artnet.com, June,10, 2000.  

Rien a Signaler, catalogue for exhibition, Gallerie Analix, Geneva Switzerland, 1994.

Romano, Gianni, "Vision: USA," Zoom, N.128, p.2, March/April, 1994.

Romano, Gianni, "In and Out Liquid Architectures," Temporale: Rivista D' Arte e Di Cultura, N.31, pp 34-37, 1993.

Erwin, John, "Join the Tour," Flash Art, p. 110. June, 1993.

Cotter, Holland, "Miauhaus at Thread Waxing Space," The New York Times, Section C-24, August 7, 1992.